China 2019 – Once Again
Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz

China 2019 – Once Again

An inauspicious start.  Short form, I missed my flight.  Did I not get modern technology quite right, or do I need to slow down.

Thought I had scheduled a car pick up (Bless them, Uber) at 4:30 but no one came so scrambled and finally got a car at 5 AM.  Still time to get to the 6:24 flight, but alas, really damn, a major accident on 93 delayed me further.  At the airport check-in; less than one hour to departure they do not accept luggage.  Redirected to a later flight through LA and a connection on Saturday.  One day delay.  More on the implications of this redirect later.

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On to Kuqa
flying, Kuqa, Silk Road Trip 2016 Richard Pinkowitz flying, Kuqa, Silk Road Trip 2016 Richard Pinkowitz

On to Kuqa

Another early wake up call, today at 5 AM to catch the flight to Kuqa at 8 AM. Cab was waiting at 6 AM and he first asked for 80 RMB for the trip. When we arrived the ride was 30 RMB I knew he was high so I countered with 50 RMB which he accepted. Arrival at the airport terminal I gave him 50 RMG and he said I owed him 80 RMB. Not to be intimidated, and with enough Chinese to argue, I told him he agreed to 50 RMB and if he did not accept I would call the police. This went back and forth for a bit and fortunately my loud voice can be very unpleasant even if my Chinese is not perfect. Finally, I offered his 10Y more as a way to conclude, for a total of 60 RMB.

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On To China
Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz

On To China

The flight to Beijing was almost routine except for Anthony, my seat mate. We were seated in the first row of coach, a wonderful place with no seats in front and good stretching room. JoAnn and I were early, as usual, and seated aisle and middle. Getting close to final boarding the window seat was empty, every long distance travellers dream. But then comes the flight attendant leading….mother and infant. Every travelers dread. The thought of the screaming infant for 15 hours sent tremors. Further, the bassinette was hung on the wall at eye level and Anthony could sit up and stare at me with wonderment.

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