On To China

The flight to Beijing was almost routine except for Anthony, my seat mate.                

We were seated in the first row of coach, a wonderful place with no seats in front and good stretching room.  JoAnn and I were early, as usual, and seated aisle and middle.  Getting close to final boarding the window seat was empty, every long distance travelers dream.  But then comes the flight attendant leading….mother and infant.  Every travelers dread.  The thought of the screaming infant for 15 hours sent tremors.  Further, the bassinette was hung on the wall at eye level and Anthony could sit up and stare at me with wonderment.  

The story has a nice ending.  Anthony was very well behaved infant.  Mom, however, was totally exhausted and frazzled and Anthony was a big boy at the squirming and pushing back stage.  Mama was really beyond exhaustion when she boarded.  OK, maybe I have a big heart and am a good grandpa type.  It didn’t hurt much to hold Anthony once and a while, help feed him, watch him when Mama needed a break or when she took forty winks.  Not much reading accomplished on the flight but did collect some karma credits.

Arrived in Beijing about 15 minute slate for a total flight time of 13 hours and 49 minutes.

Guess my karma credits didn’t completely help because I had problems with both credit cards trying to withdraw some cash, Renminbi, from machines.  It is never faultless and always have different problems.  Fortunately JoAnn’s cards worked so we had some cash.


On To Urumqi


Boston to Beijing - Flying