Beijing Subway - Contagion of Courtesy

Beijing Subway - Contagion of Courtesy

Courtesy – An Infection. Beijing subway travel during rush hour is a numbing experience.  Within two weeks of morning rush hour travel I too have become personally desensitized to the discomforts of the train.  It is a torture you endure until you are released onto your destination.  I sense from the running of many on the street that the discomforts of the train are only the beginning of the daily grind and that the race to work may indicate indignant bosses carefully watching the clock.    

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The Power of Hello - A brief story about a special person

The Power of Hello - A brief story about a special person

The Power of “Hello”

Joann is quite a unique person, having agreed to this journey along the silk Road, sharing my vision and accepting my assurances as sufficient to embark. Still, as a reasonable person she began with some concern. It had not passed in Urumqi, and by Kuqa she had gained some confidence that the plans were working. Hotels, while not perfect were more than adequate, we were finding restaurants, and the sights were more than we had imagined.

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