Silk Road - Starting Out
Silk Road Trip 2016, Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz Silk Road Trip 2016, Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz

Silk Road - Starting Out

Seven days until we leave for China’s part of the Silk Road. Quite an itinerary. “Thirty Caves in Thirty Days.” Actually 10 cities in 22 days and 9 cave sites with hundreds of caves at each site. Start from the far west, Urumqi, we’ll trek eastward to Luoyang. Plane, train, boat, car and camel plus some hiking and maybe a donkey. The big stuff is set. Hotels, trains, and planes are reserved. On site details will depend on conditions. We’ll be flexible.

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Overseventy - HELLO! - Sept. 29, 2016
Richard Pinkowitz Richard Pinkowitz

Overseventy - HELLO! - Sept. 29, 2016

It would be nice if I could make promises but now I don’t have a bigger vision. I am not yet sure how this web site will evolve. It will be a personal statement of Richard, keeping active and moving forward. I will also bring in the voice and views of JoAnn my irrepressible wife and soul mate. Over seventy I am. My vision of being seventy was of frail people of failing health. And then, one day, I was seventy. I was older, but not frail. This extra time of my life is an opportunity to live and explore life and the world on different terms, without daily family and work responsibility.

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