On to Kuqa
flying, Kuqa, Silk Road Trip 2016 Richard Pinkowitz flying, Kuqa, Silk Road Trip 2016 Richard Pinkowitz

On to Kuqa

Another early wake up call, today at 5 AM to catch the flight to Kuqa at 8 AM. Cab was waiting at 6 AM and he first asked for 80 RMB for the trip. When we arrived the ride was 30 RMB I knew he was high so I countered with 50 RMB which he accepted. Arrival at the airport terminal I gave him 50 RMG and he said I owed him 80 RMB. Not to be intimidated, and with enough Chinese to argue, I told him he agreed to 50 RMB and if he did not accept I would call the police. This went back and forth for a bit and fortunately my loud voice can be very unpleasant even if my Chinese is not perfect. Finally, I offered his 10Y more as a way to conclude, for a total of 60 RMB.

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In Urumqi
Silk Road Trip 2016, Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz Silk Road Trip 2016, Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz

In Urumqi

Sunday morning was scheduled for a trip to the market in Urumqi. JoAnn had expected something like the Kashgar Market which includes livestock, but Urumqi’s was a sedate inside market with the usual stalls for tourists. We wandered, avoiding the cashmere/Pashmina scarves, bought two Uighur caps for Rich, and were getting bored when we found the rug merchants in the basement.

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On To Urumqi
Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz

On To Urumqi

A four thirty wakeup call and a 7:45 AM flight from Beijing to Urumqi. The hotel kindly had prepared a breakfast in a box for us to take. A four hour flight to Urumqi was very smooth. Wondering whether Chinese Airlines endeavor to fly differently that US carriers. The take off and flight path seemed very deliberate and comfortable.

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