Tesla - X: Auto as Performance Art
Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz Uncategorized Richard Pinkowitz

Tesla - X: Auto as Performance Art

In Beijing, the land of conspicuous consumerism, I was introduced to the Tesla-X.  The prominent tri-star of the M-B, Benzes if you need prompting, is understood as symbol of having made it, the thunderbird logo “T” of Tesla is rare.  The cachet of owning and displaying this auto will achieve the silent envy of those munchkins measuring.  In a nation where the gold interlocking CC’s of fake Chanel are a very weak signal of success, and the tri star of the Benz has become more common the “T” is still a rarity and not yet copied.  As a potential measure of my host’s attempt to disprove their class conscious symbol, the car was in a non-descript, KGB, black.  Suitable to prove they were not attempting a conspicuous display of wealth.  I am not convinced, but then, I tend to be a skeptic about good intentions.  Still, consider that the “X” of the name refers to excess.

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