Travel South To Phnom Penh

Cambodia shares with Vietnam and Thailand what is called the Indochinese Peninsula. At the height of Cambodia's military power dominated the peninsula, and with access to the Gulf of Thailand was able to conduct maritime trade.

C ,ambodia is rimed by mountains but beyond the mountains it is a flat plain with elevation to more than 100'. There are two seasons in Cambodia, dry season and wet season. During the wet season the Tonli Sap lake, left of center, swells to accommodate the excessive water and during the dry season diminishes in size. Agriculture fluorishes in the region. It is one reason that early Kings selected the Angkor region as the capital.

Siem Reap (on the Map Siem Reab) is in the north eastern part of the nation and Phnom Penh the current capital is in the south west. It is about 250 miles between the two.

Travel between the two centers is routine, and it is a major route for tourists, landing in Phnom Penh and visiting Siem Reap.

Sadly, transportation in Cambodia is not developed and no train line exists. Options include, boat on the Tonli Sap river, which by all reviews is an ordeal, especially in the dry season when water levels are low, flight on a very local airline, not my idea of safety, private taxi, sort of boring or bus.

Giant Ibis Bus

My delusion, brought my basic Speaking Kymer book figuring I would find a local in the next seat. Alas, all tourists. My seatmate, a lovely Australian woman was not going to be my Kymer teacher. Seven hours from Siem Reap (SR) to Phnom Penh(PP) in some comfort. Bus station in both cities conveniently downtown and enough WIFI to email friends back home.

An advantage of a big city, enough English that Tuk Tuk drivers understood enough so that getting to the hotel was easily achieved.

The hotel, Anik Palace Hotel was a real find. A five star hotel at prices below a US flea bag., including buffet breakfast. Greeted by the concierge, given a cold towel and an iced drink to settle down before we discussed the arrangements.

Driver arranged for the trip tomorrow to Phnom Da.

Rich Pinkowitz

Rich Pinkowitz


To Phnom Da and Temples S of Phnom Penh

