To Phnom Da and Temples S of Phnom Penh

Saturday morning, my driver arrived precisely at 8:30 an off to our adventure to the Temple Phnom Da,

Phnom Da

Phnom was the furthest south of this day's adventure so we began with a 2 1/2 hour drive. It is at the top of a hill with nice views of the surrounding fields. My driver Kim Lai, on his own, videotaped the day's tour.

My girl friend Aviva, always protective of me, felt that Kim Lai presented this as young guide helping frail old man up the mountain.

It is close to the truth. I would not let him help me, too damn stubborn, but was glad that he was nearby in case of a problem.

I truly appreciated his continued presence and thoughtfulness about my possible limitations. We did not encounter any crises, but knowing he was there did alleviate fears.

In truth, I am 78 and have lost much leg strength, age and my cancer drugs, and walking at heights on unstable ground is risky. Climbing even the four to six stone steps up to the temple are a challenge without a banister. I have found that I can avoid the direct path by climbing up the sides of the steps, closer to the building where there are hand holds. As I stand at the tops of steps and I consider the safest path down, many people offer their hand to help, but Mr. Stubborn finds his own, unaided path down.

The video truly brings you closer to the experience.

Rich Pinkowitz

Rich Pinkowitz


Phnom Vihear – As a novel performative religious experience.


Travel South To Phnom Penh