Temples of Ayutthaya, Thailand .. A photo essay


                This was an ancient capital of Thailand.  About 70 miles north of Bangkok.  It was a major trading center and we do see influences of other cultures in the architecture.

                I thought in this entry I would just show photos of the many temples , “wat” in the area.

                They commonly say that the architecture displays Khmer influence.  Yes the Kymer army did conquer and for a long time occupied the Indochinese peninsula, my view is that the Thai people took the influence in amazing and creative new directions so that the influence might be considered minimal.  Look back at my prior posts and images of temples in Angkor to see for yourself.

Wat Phra Ram - Built between 1448 and 1488

Wat Phra Ram - Main Prang

Minor Prang on Platform

South Gallery at Wat Pha Ram Similar Concept to Khmer but different style

Wat Ratchaburana - BUilt about 1474

Main Prang from Meeting Hall Vihara

Main Prang - Closer view

Ucertain. Shape appears as a Chedi, but on the main platform as a minor prang.

Wat Som - Early Ayutthaya Period (1350 - 1488)

Wat Som Central Prang - Possibly and early Wat and smaller Prang.

Although deteriorated, note the carving and decoration.

Wat Cheong Tha - Later Period of Ayutthaya

Wat Cheong Tha - Main Prang through Vihara, meeting Room

Wat Cheong Tha, Chedi on lower platform

Wat chai - About 1640

Central Prang surrounded by four minor prangs.

Central Prang from another view

Minor Prangs on Main Platform of Central Prang


Temples of Chiang Mai,Thailand


Phnom Bakheng – Pilgrim’s Progress – Photo’s